Out-Tech the Scammers

S.F. Ehrlich Associates |

September 30, 2019

AARP1 offers the following technology security tips, good for all ages. Forgive the duplication if we repeat some tips that we’ve previously discussed because you can never have too much security.  If you think these services may be appropriate for you, consider signing up.

Informed Delivery: “The US Postal Service is now offering a terrific service: Each delivery day, it will send an email to you containing digital scans of the letter-size mail that will soon arrive at your box or door. The email also details packages that will arrive that day or soon. Now you can cross-check for mail theft or ask someone to pick up a package if you’re away.” (Consider signing up at informeddelivery.usps.com.)”

Robocall Blocking: “There are three ways to block robocalls. The first is to sign up for the federal Do Not Call Registry, which will limit the number of legal sales pitches you get. The second: Check with your phone’s service provider to see what it offers…The third is to sign up for a third-party robocall blocker…Among the respected services are Nomorobo, YouMail, Truecaller and RoboKiller.”

Password Manager: “Keeping track [of passwords] is easy if you use a password manager – software that creates unique, complex passwords for you and then stores them in a highly secure digital vault. Now you just need to remember one robust password to access all the rest. Plus, these services provide fraud alerts, secure auto-fill functions, and more. (Popular password managers include Dashlane, LastPass, and 1Password.)”

Bank/credit alerts: Many banks offer a service in which they will email, text or call whenever your debit or credit card has been used, even if it’s for legitimate charges. The goal: You know immediately if someone who shouldn’t be tapping your account is doing so. You can set up the alerts for any amount.”



1 Shadel, Doug. “Out-Tech The Scammers.” AARP, 16 Aug. 2019, p. 71.
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