A few apps to keep you safe, and informed

S.F. Ehrlich Associates |

September 30, 2020

Compliments of AARP The Magazine1, here are “8 smartphone apps to make life safe.” Some might be useful to you, an elderly parent, or to any other age group. There’s so much available on our smartphones that people don’t take advantage of; these apps just nick the surface.

(All apps are free except for Dark Sky Weather, which has a one-time fee of $3.99.)

  • BSafe: “This voice-activated SOS systems sends your location to your selected contacts and automatically streams and records emergency video. Features a built-in siren.” (Anyone have a young adult living on a college campus or alone in a city?)
  • Cairn: “A safety app for hikes that shares your planned route with loved ones; it also calculates your estimated time of arrival based on your speed and elevation change for thousands of popular trails.”
  • Dark Sky Weather: “Provides hyperlocal weather info for the next hour. Don’t get caught in a storm.” (Especially useful for national park enthusiasts who find themselves hiking in slot canyons out west.)
  • First Aid by American Red Cross: “Contains valuable info on what to do in any common first-aid emergency.”
  • Medisafe Medication Reminder: “Get reminders on your phone for when to take your medication or supplements and when your supplies are running low. Caregivers get real-time missed medication alerts. The app also warns of potentially dangerous drug interactions.”
  • ICE Medical Standard: “It’s like a medical alert bracelet on your smartphone’s lock-screen display, informing first responders of your conditions, allergies, medications, and emergency medical contact information.”
  • Noonlight: “silently calls for help to your exact location with the tap of a button. A trainer operator at Noonlight’s monitoring center will text and call you to verify the alarm. If you can’t talk or don’t respond, the app sends 911 an alert including GPS location, profile information, and even a picture of you.”
  • Snug Safety: “Made for people who live alone, this app checks on you at a time of day you select. You press a green checkmark on the app and receive a quote of the day. If you fail to check-in, your emergency contacts are notified.”





1 Csatari, Jeff. “8 Smartphone Safety Apps That Could Save Your Life.” AARP, 5 Aug. 2020.
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